Let me introduce four plugins that you can manage your plurk with on your blog and your browser if needed to..
Plurk Mozilla Firefox Sidebar

The Plurk Mobile Sidebar comes complete with Firefox 2 & 3 support, a headless thing button for your toolbar and a keyboard shortcut. The actual features of the Plurk sidebar application are under Plurks control.
Read More from TwisterMc>>
Download Direct>>
To install: Download the extension to your desktop. Then go to Tools -> Add-ons and drag plurk1.0.xpi to your add-ons window. It’ll install and you’ll have to restart Firefox.
To use: Go to View -> Sidebar -> Plurk Mobile Sidebar, or hit control+alt+p, or customize your menu bar to add the Plurk button.
Plurkify Me
Cody Robert's just release a terrific script for all plurk community. The first version have features like being able to send alerts to you about new notifications. Every five minutes, the notifier will update it’s log and show you any friend alerts you have need to tend to.
Your login is saved in the account manager and right now, you can have a maximum of four accounts saved.
Your profile will appear in the account mananger window as your profile picture. Click it so that it’s got a white drop shadow instead of black and that is your active account that will be looking for notifications.
Cody Robert intends to release a newer beta version soon so watch out for it.
Download from Plurkify>>
Plurk For Wordpress Users
Plurk for WordPress displays yours latest plurks in your WordPress blog. It is easy to install just drop the plurk-for-wordpress folder into /wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plug in.
Installation Code>>
Plurk For MoveableType Users
The Action Streams plugin is an amazing new plugin for Movable Type 4.1 that lets you aggregate, control, and share your actions around the web as well as a list of your profiles on various services. With the Action Streams plugin you keep control over the record of your actions on the web. And of course, you also have full control over showing and hiding each of your actions.
Download it on Action Streams>>
If there are more plugins, do share here in my comments and I will have them added in the list.
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4 Responses to "Plug In Your Latest Plurk Plugins"
July 2, 2008 7:28 PM
I have still to come to grips with Plurk. Have been an avid Twitter user for a while now although it's downtimes sure have been a turn-off. Will explore Plurk further after this. Thanks.
Plurkify is a nice addon that i have been using. As for the rest, its the first time i came across, thanks!
July 11, 2008 10:23 AM
I kept hearing about this but I never really checked it out. I will have to now as I'm just started to get addicted to twitter and could add another fun thing to my list of stuff to do during the day.
September 5, 2008 12:46 AM
Nice thing to know that there is a competition going on. Both companies should live so that there will be a competition of features and would not leave the community stagnant.
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