I won $100 dollars cash from F1Wolf who held a simple contest and it is to guess who is the man behind the wheels on the Ferrari in his header image?

You might have guess Michael Schumacher or Gerhard Berger but the car on fire is Stefan Johansson, 1985 Ferrari. With just 10 people getting this correct, my chances were 10% from winning this contest and that is pretty high compared to David Airey's contest which i calculated i had only 0.5% to win anyone of his $4,000 worth of prizes(which i did not win even an USB).

There is a video which he had done and he got a lady at the pit to draw the 4 winners of the large prints photos and also the $100 cash winner. Sad to say, i could not figure out what happen because the audio was not working and there is no way you can repeat that draw again since the winners are chosen, so it's the final results that was shown that counts on his blog. Surprising i am the winner of the $100 cash!
Not long after I went over to check on Michael Kwan's post, i am also a fan of Michael, he is a very interesting blogger and i love to read on his daily reviews and rumbles. His title "Etienne Teo Wins UGM Swag Without Knowing It" got me thinking, did i win another prize again? I guess i did win, it was a baseball cap and a Nalgene water bottle but did i tell you i was the only contestant?

I would love to have this item shipped to me directly from his home in Canada, but i gave michael a breather since the shipping fee is gonna cost him more than the $25.90 that i donated to feed 10 more people for UGM which drew in $3,700(with John matching the 44 readers donation at $1,850.39 dollars) for the John Chow Donation Community. I told michael over the mail, that the items i won to be given to the children at UGM and maybe take a photo of that lucky child wearing that cap i gave back.
While i am not a God's Believer, i remember once i went to the church with my friends to experience what it is like to be loved by god, then he told me that in order for god to bless you, you should give what you can and then god will double that amount back to you. Today my $25.90 donation to Union Gospel Mission have certainly given me back more than just double the amount.
If Michael was to send me the baseball cap and the water bottle, i wonder which service would he chose to deliver to me, the Ground service from Canada to Singapore which might take 20 days, or the UPS Worldwide Express in 2 days time to reach me?
6 Responses to "I Won $100 From Shanghai and Won Gospel Goodies From Canada"
October 8, 2007 7:04 PM
Wha, you sure know how to let michael save on his shipping to you..congrats to your $100!
Congrats to you winning the $100!
October 8, 2007 8:33 PM
Thanks guys! Let me just wait for F1wolf to send me the dollars..
hey, it was nice to hear you won the $100 from F1wolf!
October 11, 2007 12:47 PM
Finally I am not behing the greta firewall of China and can access your site :-)
Congrats again from the F1Wolf !
October 11, 2007 2:56 PM
thank you agian F1wolf!
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