Today's focus is on how we can write better posts and also get repeated visitors to our blog, but you got to make sure you blog can loan fast enough so that you don't lose your readers. How can all these be done, let these bloggers tell you how it is done.
DailyBlogTips wrote an article on '10 tips for writing better posts', he brought valid points that a blog is only as good as the content delivered,being exclusive and outstanding among the rest will drive traffic,inbound links and others and his 10 tips will help you write better.
EtienneTeo tells you not to worry if you are suffering from Writer's block, as his 'A - Z Posting ideas' will surely get you on the writing move again. Write with so many excellent ideas that you can use on your blog.
DoshDosh gave '13 tips to get repeated visitors for your website', learn how to get back to back traffic and sales with a simple checklist he had created. To attract more people to your site, your presentation would be the first key to having customers followed by your products and then how attractive the price is and a little word of mouth marketing to get repeated visitors.
BloggingTips reminds us 'loading your blog quickly' is essential and with your blog not able to load that quick you will lose readers and that would not be what you want, so make sure you work on removing unneccesary things on your blog so that they can load faster and more efficient.
Miscellaneous read and news around
CashQuests delcares 'Agloco is dead' after Agloco updated their blog to tell their users how excited they are to announce how much they will earn online with them, How much is it you are earning? Let's say the top referral in Agloco might not even earn $100 per month, its time to boycott Agloco!
Problogger tells us to 'forget about pagerank and build a better blog', at last someone who is influential talks about it so that those who are a pagerank whore would give up the idea of just increasing their pagerank and focus more on their contents.
Muhammad Saleem lets everyone know what makes him 'give you a thumbs down' on stumbleupon, his 7 reasons are just so valid, so what's your reasons of giving a thumbs down?
whydowork gives tips on 'choosing the right niche for yourself'. In his post he stressed on 3 points that you should take away, Keyword research,Market research and then look back on your choices.
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those were some great tips you dug out!
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