If you are looking for an alternative way to earn your dollar through adsense then video sharing is one of the hottest and easiest way to increase your revenue. Upon sharing your videos, be it from Youtube,Revver,Metacafe etc, you get maximum revenue since your ads are shown in every video you have uploaded. The more videos you have,the higher your chances are for others to view your video and earn from Google adsense.
If you have yet to signup with any adsense revenue sharing sites, then MediaFlix would be one of the video sharing choices you can apply for, When people visit your video 50% of the advertising revenue goes to you.
The more people that view your videos the more money you can make. You would need your PUB-xxxxxx to enable the adsense revenue sharing program. If you have not signup with Google adsense then you not be able to monetize from this sharing program, .
How do you upload a video?
- Title
- Embed code
- Thumbnail
- Description
- Tags
- Category
- Ads Level
Create your own title for the video that you would like to upload, ensure that the title is of some interest and it will attract people to view your video. using "Cat Video" is one title you would like to avoid and give it a little flare or teaser "Amazing Fat Cat Juggles balls".
Embed Code
When you are uploading your video, Mediaflix allows embed code video, make sure you upload the embed code instead of the perm link.

One feature that i did not like about Mediaflix is that they do not auto generate their thumbnail and you would need to take a screenshot of it and submit it manually but you can have that optional off too, but it will not attract as many users.
It is always good to give a good teaser description of your video, a good example would be a 2-4 sentence summary.
It is essential that you tag your videos so that it can be found easily in the list.

Categorize your videos in the most relevant place and it will allow users to find your videos much easier.
Ads Level
When you upload your videos, you have a choice of choosing how many ads you would want to display, a maximum of 3 ads can be display at one time, I would recommend you display all 3 ads for maximum adsense revenue.

Generate extra revenue by sharing and if you have not signed up with then it is time you get your own account, it is very easy, submit your application and await for approved and you are on your way to making auto pilot revenues.
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7 Responses to "Adsense Revenue Share MediaFlix - Earn while you share your videos"
September 3, 2007 11:34 PM
Does anyone know how the YouTube "Sites Linking to This Video" feature works? When I post a YouTube link on my blog my site is not listed as linking to the video. It should at least show one click from my site.
September 4, 2007 3:00 AM
I am not sure how it happens, but you link using embed code or just hot linking?
September 4, 2008 6:29 PM
MetroJoint a social networking site, has introduced a 'Producer Rewards' program that enables users to earn money by uploading videos on the site. The users start earning money once the video receives 5000 views.
Later, user's earnings goes on increasing per thousand view.
"This opens a great wave of enthusiasm amongst the video submitters in India, Pakistan and other countries where MetroJoint has good presence," says Kunal Pandya CEO of MetroJoint "Majority of South Asian nations sites does not have such a program."
i found a site where you can earn with youtube and google adsense BUT WITH THIRD PARTY videos! they keep your pages for free, take a look i love it, it produces automatically content!
April 23, 2009 8:27 PM
I have ready many pages of this blog and all of them contain huge kind of information like this post so I will always refer my other friends to this blog. I am now sitting in a room of chicago hotel, there is great atmosphere and I am enjoying this blog.
February 25, 2010 4:59 PM
I love google adsense and i got 2cheque from adsense...it was the best..
April 8, 2010 7:34 AM
Hi, great information I'll signup after this comment but I have another awesome website that I found 1st social network who is offering adsense sharing and social bookmarking services where we can earn plus promote our blogs and website.
Page360.net's Scoop is a Digg-like with a 100% AdSense Revenue Sharing program. This is how to promote a blog or website by using a social bookmarking service while earning money at the same time!
Our mission at Page360.net is to provide a place for honest Google AdSense publishers to legitimately increase their daily earnings. As soon as you register, this basically becomes your website, with your AdSense blocks displayed next to your content ( BLOGS VIDEOS RECIPES and SCOOPS), and you'll be able to write blogs, reviews, and stories about your knowledge and experience with AdSense or any topic you feel confortable with, as well as read, ask questions, and exchange information with other AdSense publishers. Whether you're an absolute beginner to AdSense or a seasoned online revenues professional, join us (it's easy & free) and become a part of the Page360 community!
Join us today it's free http://www.page360.net
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