The Flaws were demonstrated in the recent Black hats and Defcon hacker conferences which had drew in thousands of people to Las Vegas for five days of training and demonstrations of the latest exploits.
What are the chances of your Myspace account been hacked by a hacker nowadays? I would say 90% possible and just give them hours which is what they require at their home station and your account will be theirs. Infiltrating password-protected social networking sites has been an increasingly fruitful area of study for hobbyists and professional computer security researchers.

One hacker, Rick Deacon, a 21-year-old network administrator from Beachwood, Ohio, says he's discovered a so-called "zero-day" flaw — or a problem that hasn't been patched yet — in MySpace that allows intruders to commandeer personal Web pages and possibly inject malicious code and so far, it only affects older versions of the Firefox Web browser and does not affect Internet Explorer, he said.
Though he discovered requires that a user click on a link that leads to a Web page where the computer's "cookie" information is stolen. Deacon said he discovered the problem several months ago along with several other researchers and alerted MySpace, but the company didn't fix the problem.
So what was myspace thinking at that moment of time, a hacker telling that your program has a flaw and yet you are not solving them, though Myspace spokeswoman said that "it's our responsibility to have the most responsive, solely dedicated 24-7 safety and security team, and we do."
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5 Responses to "Social Network likes Myspace soon to be juicy targets for computer hackers"
August 4, 2007 7:20 PM
A very interesting post. Luckily, I don't have a MySpace account. What are the possibilities of other social networking sites getting hacked, like Orkut or facebook?
August 4, 2007 9:45 PM
from defcon, it seems that all social sites are facing the same problem so i believe orkut and facebook are too..and google gmail seems to be also one of it, but no comments from the google team..
August 4, 2007 10:40 PM
Web security is a continually evolving task. Thanks for making me aware of this!
August 5, 2007 12:55 AM
Yups, Social networking Web sites very gristle attacked by hacker. And I have found something of a kind virus on Friendster. So, just beware of using MySpace too.
August 5, 2007 2:08 AM
I got a feeling, there is going to be a mass virus sending soon through social networking...but its just a guess..lets just see.
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