BlogSoc is a society community which is attracting large group of members who have an interest in sharing their Blogs RSS feed with other bloggers,making friends within this community is the key to its vision.
The simple layout and only way of getting yourself to advertise will be through creating a society for yourself.
You can add in this 3 basis:
Simple enough? I would say it is too simple and should includein more features. I will recommend it to be able to fit like a real community more like blogcatalog style or something like what myspace is offering if it want to have a huge community to rush in to join.
There were 7 members at that time including me, I had them all added in my list of friends, and it seems to be a good start, maybe more features could be added for the interactive events for all members to work within the website.
There is this tool that was available but no explaination to what it is used for, it could be the number of viewers who have viewed my society or the number of people who have joined my society, i don't know and hopefully a given explaination can be placed so that users can understand.
Overall a very amatuerish web community, very much room for improvement and this should be a beta version and i would recommend the owner to have it styled with a web 2.0 banner for the edgy look, but wouldn't it be more fun if more users are created and joining a community is what we always do right, share and give for Blogsoc!
7 Responses to "A new Blog Society Community arrives!"
August 3, 2007 4:45 PM
Hey, thanks for support. It will improve soon :).
August 3, 2007 10:57 PM
no problem shman!! hope you have success with your site!
August 4, 2007 5:18 AM
sorry to post this comment here but i could not find a contact page on your blog.
I have started a contest on my blog where you earn a confirmed backlink and a chance to win a 125x125 ad spot for FREE for 20 days.
do have a look at it...
August 4, 2007 9:09 AM
Hi salman,thanks for the comment for my contact form, but there is actually a contact form available, i will try to get it more visual. thanks i will visit your blog..thanks!
August 4, 2007 6:18 PM
nice review. blogsoc.com sounds like a site that will emerge will in the near future.
August 10, 2007 2:18 AM
Morinn thanks :), I'm trying to do something between MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog with possibility to earn money. Now I'm waiting for new design from my webdesigner, it should be ready in next week, so, I hope BlogSoc will be more Web2.0. :)
August 10, 2007 2:23 AM
Shman work hard, i will be part of your pioneer team...when you are done, do ask me for more opinions, i will be glad to give you some. thanks!
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