You may have received a good number of visits through your invitation list, inviting 500 people from blog communities and for that day you receive close to 700 uniques and 1500 page views which was your highest traffic results in your start of blogging and hoping the results will be the same again tomorrow, then you see a decline in your visitors and realise you need to invite another 500 more visitors the next day to hit the same traffic.

Instead of bringing a large group of people to your blog, start small and steady by inviting 5 users and start to build rapport with them for the next 1-2 week. This is a good way to track who is actually interested in your niche and your blog.Do build a continuous rapport between the 2 of you.
Returning a link when you come across interesting articles
Want to be noticed by the other bloggers? Link an interesting article and give a brief write up on why his article is worth reading. Once you have pinged your blog, Technorati will give a link reaction that you have tagged the article.
You should leave comments to blogs you read
That is pretty simple to understand yet many don't return a comment on the blog they have been too. You may have just given up a chance to expose yourself to many other readers who could be reading on the comments that you have left. That is the reason why many blogs don't return to visit you. Learn how to be a top commentor and get spoken about when they know who you are.
While there are many other ways to continue building rapport between different individuals, you guys may want to share your experiences or even write on how you can improve relationship between you and other bloggers, remember being shallow in the blogosphere will not get you anywhere, sharing and learning is what everyone needs to cultivate. Let me know whether the 2 methods work for you and how have they allow you to make new friends.
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4 Responses to "Creating a relationship between bloggers through communities"
I have been dropping by to my users in communities to say hi and message them and got good replies, great write!
August 31, 2007 5:03 AM
Thats the way, remember follow them for 1-2 weeks and link back their articles..
August 31, 2007 10:29 PM
Hi. Those are good tips I can vouch for because they have worked for me.
September 15, 2007 10:17 AM
hey whatsup nice tips bubba!
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