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Larry Lim, FreeLance Singapore Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google Adwords and Online Marketing Consultant, he even rank no1 in google "singapore seo", who serves both international and local Clients, some of his clients fromvarious blue chip companies that engage him like Wealth Capital Management (American private equity group), M1 (Singapore's mobile operator) and TM Net (Malaysia's ISP).[Visit singapore very own no 1 seo Larry Lim]
Jahn A. is the Owner and Webmaster websites such as DeskPile Pro, SupernovaFiresale 1 and 2, ColorCodeProject, FavCart.com and JustOneAudioBook.com and is licensed eCommerce Consultant by profession.Jahn is able to help you understand web design and web usability.[visit Jahn A]

Shawn Lim is the owner of millionaire secrets,though like me without a dot com, he proves to be too young to actually have words like that to speak about how to be a millionaire, yet every single article that was brought forward by him was worthy a read and interesting topics like his recently "", as long as you have a goal and succeed toward that goal, you should find your way. []
5 Responses to "Singaporean Internet marketers exposed! GP4 Batch"
July 10, 2007 11:56 PM
Hi, thanks for mentioning me in your post. You've now help to turn on my hot button which inspire me more. Thanks a million.
Happy Blogging.
July 11, 2007 6:56 AM
Shawn, no problem, its my pleasure. hope to see you around.
October 24, 2008 1:39 PM
The best opportunity from house !!!!
I’m an Engineer working in OSIOptoelectronics, JB, Malaysia.(company email = ). As many believed all the internet business are scam, I also having this thought for a long time. Until I found this site. At first I was thinking, I should not waste my money investing in this. But since the charge is only USD 49.90, I decide to try.
Worth trying !!!!!
Now I’m earning USD 400 + a month. Even though this amount is not big, I get to know there are genuine internet businesses too. I will put more effort to add another digit at the end of current earning. It is called data entry but more to affiliate program such as GOOGLE ADS. The link below is the one made me make money. They’re giving step by step guide for built our self to be a successful affiliate. We are able to get all the details (even simple one) such as, how to create paypal account, administrative account, method to promote affiliate links, free software to promote and so many.
Below is the link which connected to the website I mentioned.
NOTE : I will get paid if you enter that site using the link below. This is one of the method how affiliates makes money.
Join the successful club……..make others successful too…….
Those who still have doubt, feel free to e-mail me or contact 60127561548.
December 1, 2008 4:42 AM
Great list Etienne! Our very own internet marketing gurus! I love the list!
thanks for the info. great tip.http://moneytoburn.in has some online data entry postings
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