Tag Keywords in<"title"> tag
One of the most important places to have a niche high paying keyword because what is written inside the <"title"> tag shows in search results as your page title. The title tag must be short of around 7 words and the the keyword should be near the beginning on your whole title.
Keywords in URL
Keywords in URL gives you a better position on the search engine -eg- , keyword is "enter keyword" and this will eventually help in your ranking.
Keyword density in document text
Ensure your articles has around 4-6% major keywords and not more than 12% or else it will look more like a keyword spam instead of a article page.
Anchor Text Linking
Anchor Text Link with other user's site is a good way to improve your site's ranking too. Have top keywords for your choosen anchor text,this is regarded as getting a vote from this site not only about your site in general, but about the keyword in particular.
Keywords in headings (<"H1">, <"H2">, etc. tags)
You can also apply your keywords on the heading tags.
Keywords in Tags
Spiders don't read images but they do read their textual descriptions in the tag, so if you have images on your page, fill in the tag with some keywords about them.
Keywords in MetaTags
Though google are more or less not using these to rank users, Yahoo and MSN still relies on these meta tags,so if you are optimizing for Yahoo! or MSN, fill these tags properly.
Getting High PR links
This is by far the best way to get your site on the top when you get linked to a high pagerank site.Try to have your site link captured in directories or even other sites that ranks above PR4 to PR10
Backlinks from others
Generally the more, the better. But the reputation of the sites that link to you is more important than their number.
Links from directories
As said earlier,Being listed in DMOZ, and similar directories is a great boost for your ranking cause they are mostly PR 6 and above,dont waste time linking to Pr0 sites.
Socially bookmarked
There are more than 50 over sites who are social bookmarkers, some of the highly used are ,, Blinklist
Unique contents
Have unique contents on your site is great and having it updated daily with fresh niche contents gurantees good ranking
Sector those long articles up
Search engine favors more on shorter details with unique and relevant topic, achieve a better ranking by shorting your articles from 1 long page to 3 parts of a given article.
Site Size
All search engine spiders love big and largely contented sites.so generally it is the bigger, the better. However, big sites become user-unfriendly and difficult to navigate, so sometimes it makes sense to separate a big site into a couple of smaller ones, for eg. you can have a site/blog/forum to separate your contents and comments on different areas.

14 Factors that will affect your Ranking in Google,MSN & Yahoo!
Here i have created a list of factors that affect your rankings with Google, MSN, Yahoo! and the other search engines.Most of the factors in the checklist apply mainly to Google and partially to MSN, Yahoo! and all the other search engines of lesser importance.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Filed: Blogging Tips
7 Responses to "14 Factors that will affect your Ranking in Google,MSN & Yahoo!"
Its kinda hard to find unique contents around now since everywhere people are blogging the same thing,but interesting to see something new around.
I love social bookmarks!!! give me more!
July 5, 2007 9:35 AM
Hmmm.. good points to ponder. I blogged it. Pl read it here.
Currently,setting up my blog and template and getting a better picture how i can get my blog nicely designed! Thanks Etienne!
August 7, 2007 8:32 PM
thanks for your tips. could you link me then? hehe!
ps. i faved you oledi.
August 8, 2007 12:41 AM
no problem, will have you listed in my random Blogroll
April 2, 2009 8:54 PM
You hardly miss anything but I think the click through factor from search results also adds a bit in ranking well.
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