From Markus Frind Blog Cut-Source
Back in 2001 after my birthday someone in the office introduced me to online dating sites. I went back to my desk and checked out and and lavalife/web personals. I was bored and I wanted to chat with people. I was really annoyed when I found out you had to pay for everything, I ended up telling the girl who introduced me to the sites that I could do better and make them for free, so I went and registered I ever ended up doing was creating an index page and forgot about it.
Fast forward to 2003, I had been jumping jobs every couple of months from one sinking ship to another. I had just joined a new company with 30 employees on Dec 1st of 2002, by the time Feb rolled around 15 people had already been laid off and I started to worry. I started thinking about finishing my site and learning at the same time and I wondered why people didn’t come rushing to join.[Learn more...]

May 23, 2007 12:42 PM
Markus is my idol and motivation to earning big money on the net providing free services and earning back with great advertisers!
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