Google that they have agreed to acquired DoubleClick for $3.1 billion in cash.Microsoft was reportedly in a bidding war with Google for the company. Google gets access to DoubleClick’s advertising software and, perhaps more importantly, their customers and network. DoubleClick was founded in 1996. DoubleClick was taken private in 2005 by Hellman & Friedman and JMI Equity for $1.1 billion. is reporting that DoubleClicks revenues are about $300 million/year.
A sudden increase of around $1 billion in the rumored valuation price is in part due to Google’s desire to keep Microsoft away from making in roads into anything Search by means of acquisitions. This also tells us that the Youtube acquisition was not a one off event and that Google is not interested in sitting on the pile of cash it has accumulated, but would rather put it to good use.
Going with Microsoft would have resulted in a potential lose of AOL. So may be they used Microsoft to pump their valuation and then let Google do the rest. Poor Microsoft, the once powerful company, that used to erode market share and valuations of others is now being used to increase just that. May be Microsoft is dead-(by paul graham) already!

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